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Ready to grow your business? Try these mindset shifts

Few things are as exciting as seeing your business grow a life of its own. 

But when things finally start falling into place, all the hard work seems to be paying off, and new opportunities start arising, a lot of entrepreneurs also see their fears and doubts manifesting.

Am I doing the right thing? Is this the best way? Did I make the right choice?

Have you faced these fears and anxieties?

Most of us will experience doubt at some point in our careers. Once you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone, it’s easy to enter survival mode, fall into a pattern of comparison and self-doubt, and question every step you’re taking. The worst part? You may not even notice you’re doing this.

Am I raising some alarms here? You may want to read: Yes, Imposter Syndrome is Real. Here's How to Deal With It

A fear-based mindset is hindering your business growth

First things first: You are a strong, capable woman who’s already accomplished a lot. No matter where you are in your journey, the reason you entered entrepreneurship is simple: You believed you could. Isn’t this the most powerful feeling?

Coming from a place of compassion and pride in how far you’ve come, you can be intentional in nurturing your mind and yourself. By challenging your negative thoughts and doubts and learning to reframe them, you’re taking power away from those limiting, self-deprecating beliefs that are slowing you down.

Train your mind with these 3 mindset shifts

  • I can’t afford it

Most of us have been there: When you’re facing a big investment in life and business, you start questioning whether it makes sense to spend that much money. It feels risky to do so. Almost irresponsible.

A lot of entrepreneurs hit this point when thinking about investing in software or equipment, outsourcing work, or hiring a team. Is this really the right thing to do? I can just keep bootstrapping it for a little bit longer. 

But there comes a time when you can’t do it on your own anymore. 

When you look at a big investment, the main aspect you need to consider is what its return will be. 

  • Are you struggling with your bookkeeping because your business outgrew the free version of your software? 

  • Are you running out of time for clients because internal work is keeping your calendar full? 

  • Are you DIYing projects that, deep down, you know would better be left to the pros?

If you’ve found yourself nodding away, it’s time you start thinking differently. Instead of, “I can’t afford this,” I invite you to think about how valuable the investment is for your business and how it can help you grow and reach new goals.

By shifting your perspective from what you’re losing (“This is too expensive. I can’t afford it.”) to what you’re gaining (“This investment will help me reach XYZ. I can accomplish these things now that I didn’t have the bandwidth for before”), you’re opening up your mind to new possibilities and allowing yourself to dream a little bigger than before.

What’s more, you’re making empowered decisions that come from knowing that you’ve got this under control.

  • No one will do it like me

Many entrepreneurs, and women especially, find themselves with doubts and trust issues when it comes to delegating and sharing responsibilities. After all, we’re so used to being in charge of things that it may feel easier to just keep on keeping on instead of asking for help.

The truth is that you’re right. No one will do it like you. And that’s fantastic! In order to grow your business, you need a broader perspective than you’d achieve on your own. You need to find reliable, supportive team players to reach new heights with you and the knowledge and expertise of other pros who can help you succeed.

It’s an exercise of letting go of control and resistance. You’re gaining the confidence to trust the people around you to do their best so you can do your best.

Maybe embracing that no one will work the same way you do is the eye-opening moment when things will align and greatness will happen for you.

Overwhelmed? Here's 3 Ways Delegating Helps You Be More Productive — Business Strategy & Management

  • It’s my/her/their fault

Whether you work alone or in a team, and even in your personal life, going through life trying to find blames and guilt will likely bring you to a wall sooner than you expect. 

Within your company, with clients or teammates, constantly assigning blames will surely affect communication. No one wants to be scolded, after all.

Instead of finding who’s guilty, try to shift your perspective into the reasons behind what went wrong. Open lines of communication and a problem-solving approach can work wonders, even internally.

Holding yourself and others accountable while coming from a constructive growth mindset is very different than placing blame on you or them. Letting go of the “you vs. them” mentality, your team can grow without feelings of shame and guilt and, instead, having a proactive, optimistic approach to improvement.

When all else fails, ask yourself: Would I say this to a friend?

We’ve all felt scared, doubtful, and discouraged at times. It’s part of being an entrepreneur. Heck, it’s part of being human! The real issue lies not in having negative feelings, but in allowing them to control you and your actions. 

Actively listen to your inner dialogue and I bet you’ll find a lot more than you expected. All the negative thoughts you’ve been feeding yourself, the critiques, judgement, and frustrations are there to teach you how to be kinder, more caring, and compassionate with yourself.

If you wouldn’t speak to your friend or coworker this way, why are you doing it to yourself?

Still not convinced? Check out The Toxic Effects of Negative Self-Talk.

Mindset work is ongoing as a business owner. Let’s talk about the mindsets that are hindering your business growth.