Strategic operations and data-driven decision-making using Business Intelligence for B2B Service Providers

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Book Discussion, Part II: Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin hardy

I’m on my second read of Who Not How and it is the book that continues to give inspiration and food for thought.

If you missed, part 1 of this discussion, click here.

Kiva Slade is the CEO and Founder of The 516 Collaborative.

She is a Certified Director of Operations and Online Business Manager® who partners with mid 6-7 figure business owners serving as their confidante, voice of reason, and manager of all things operations, teams, and projects.

Kiva holds a Master's degree in Public Administration and has operated her own jewelry business. Her 20 years of experience run the gamut from Legislative Director for a member of Congress to chief encouragement officer for her teenage children.

In her free time, you can find her indulging in gluten-free desserts or with a good book.