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4 Tips to Get the Right Fit When You're Choosing An OBM

Business is going great and you need a hand to keep the needle moving forward. You can finally afford to hire help, so you decided to take the leap and start delegating. Now you’re probably wondering where to start.

It can be overwhelming and frustrating to interview what feels like hundreds of people and still come away empty-handed. At some point, it started to feel like you’re hunting for a unicorn.

But have you taken the time to figure out what you’re looking for, or are you aimlessly reading proposals and LinkedIn profiles hoping someone clicks?

Once you’ve clarified what you need, you’ll have a much easier time finding it. So how do you find an Online Business Manager to complement your needs?

First things first: What is an Online Business Manager?

An Online Business Manager is a high-level professional, often an independent contractor, who takes work off your plate by handling project management, ensuring accountability, and keeping everything in place so you can focus on client work instead of backstage maintenance in your business.

She’s different from a VA, though. Her role is not to handle your social media or clean up your inbox. She’s here to make sure your event is going as planned, your vendors are responsive, and your team knows what they’re doing and when.

An Online Business manager specializes in higher task management than you may be used to delegating. She’s with you to help you get your ship to safe haven, not to polish off the deck. 

Your OBM is an expert project manager that’s with you to increase productivity and help you grow

As the name says, your Online Business Manager will be a remote contractor. If you’re inexperienced or have doubts about working remotely, here’s a free resource from Hubstaff that’s full of helpful, actionable tips to get you set up: Everything You Need to Know About Remote Teams | Hubstaff.

4 steps to pick the right OBM for your business

  • Hone in on the type of task you’re looking to delegate to your OBM

As with any employee or contractor, when you hire an online business manager, you’re bringing someone on board who has their own expertise and is ready to get things done.

One of the biggest gifts you can give yourself and your online business manager is to clearly define what it is that you’re looking for, how she can best serve you, and what a successful partnership looks like to you.

By having a clear picture of your expectations, you can walk into a conversation with the confidence of making the right decision for yourself and your business. And you give any potential OBMs the chance to shine by doing what they’re great at.

  • Make sure your personalities and work styles align

Maybe you’re a creative soul in need of some structure. Or you’re looking for someone to be your accountability partner and make sure you’re on top of your things.

When you’re meeting a potential manager for your business, you need to make sure that your style and hers align to make it easier for you both to collaborate.

Your online business manager is the person you’re bringing to help you build this wild dream that is entrepreneurship. So you better make sure your objectives are aligned. 

  • Make sure her availability and skills match your needs

One of the best questions I’ve received during while interviewing to be hired was, “Do you have enough clients at the moment?” At first, it seemed a bit off and out of place. But months have gone by and I’ve since had the opportunity to interview other contractors and this question keeps showing up in my mind.

Here’s the thing: Whether you’re looking for an OBM to work with you a few hours per month or a full-time project manager in your business, this needs to be crystal clear from the first moment. Do you see this position starting out on the lower end of hours and gradually increasing? Or on the contrary, do you see a ton of work at the beginning to get things off the ground and then decreasing as everything settles? Make sure you’ve communicated this clearly to avoid building resentments on your OBM’s side and your own as well.

When you both know what you’re in for, it’s easier to keep things friendly and productive in the long run.

  • Check her experience and history

The best way to make sure that a candidate is a right fit for you is to take into account the experience she’s gained with other clients, the skills she’s developed, and the way she’s influenced the people and places she’s worked with.

Whether she’s an expert in your field, entering a new niche, doing a lateral move, or starting from scratch, chances are that at least some of her past professional experience translates and overlaps with what you need. 

Having a comprehensive view of her work story and experiences helps you find a well-rounded professional who will bring a lot to your table.

Plus, when you get a sense of how her past and current clients relate to her and how these relationships tend to work, you’re gaining insight into what your experience with her will be like. After all, you want to find someone you can rely on to grow your business.

When you choose the right OBM, your business stars align

Save yourself from hiring headaches early on. Get specific about your needs and what you’re looking for; start open, candid conversations with your OBM candidates; and set clear expectations from the beginning to ensure success for your business and your clients as you grow.

Putting in the work before you bring anyone into your team will save you time, money, and lots of energy in the long run and your business will thank you for making this investment.

Ready to hire the perfect right hand?